[Music] Introducing the second generation atomy Smart wi-fi tower heater Control your heater right from your Phone wherever you are using the free Atomi smart app or control the smart Heater using simple voice commands with Amazon alexa or google home alexa turn On heater The smart heater’s 360 degree tip over Safety switch automatically shuts off The heater if tipped over and instantly Sends you a phone notification the cool Touch housing and handle allows for easy Moveability and with overheat protection Your home is always safe the powerful Yet whisper quiet heater quickly heats Up using its ceramic heating technology The atomy smart wi-fi tower heater the Smart and safe way to keep your rooms Warm Take a break from the cold with the full Circle warmth ceramic heater this Uniquely designed ceramic heater Projects warmth around any room it’s in Choose from three separate heat sweep Settings 90 degrees 180 degrees and 360 degrees This space heater also offers three heat Speed settings An auto eco thermostat mode and an auto Shutoff timer that’s programmable Through eight hours the heater provides Options for customizing the temperature

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Across your home A built-in carry handle makes it easy to Move the heater with you as you go from Room to room built-in safety features Include overheat protection tip over Safety switch and cool touch exterior Housing From customizable control to warmth that Extends across the room the full circle Warmth ceramic heater is the kind of Innovation you’ve come to expect from Lasko in one space heater [Music] Alexa turn on the space heater [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] You
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