The Best Way to Store a Space Heater When Not in Use

When it comes to storing a space heater when it’s not in use, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind. Proper storage not only prolongs the lifespan of your heater but also ensures safety when it’s time to use it again. Whether you have an electric, propane, infrared, oil-filled radiator, or micathermic space heater, each type requires specific steps to store them correctly. From cleaning and packaging to finding the ideal storage location, this article will provide you with valuable tips and guidelines to help you store your space heater effectively. So, let’s dive in and discover the best way to store your space heater to ensure its longevity and safety!

The Best Way to Store a Space Heater When Not in Use

II. Understanding Space Heaters

space heaters are portable heating devices designed to provide warmth in specific areas or rooms. They work by generating heat and distributing it into the surrounding space, making them an effective solution for heating small to medium-sized areas.

Definition of Space Heaters

A space heater is a self-contained unit that uses electricity, propane, gas, or other fuel sources to generate heat. It typically consists of a heating element, a fan or blower, and controls for temperature adjustment. Space heaters come in various sizes, shapes, and types to cater to different heating needs and preferences.


The history of space heaters dates back to ancient times when early civilizations utilized fire pits and braziers to warm their living spaces. As time progressed, advancements in technology led to the development of more sophisticated heating methods. In the late 19th century, the invention of electric heating elements revolutionized the heating industry, paving the way for the modern electric space heaters we use today. Over the years, space heaters have evolved to incorporate different types of heating technologies and improved safety features to enhance their efficiency and functionality.


Space heaters serve a vital role in maintaining comfort and warmth, especially in certain situations. In cold climates or during the winter season, they become essential for individuals living in poorly insulated homes or areas where central heating systems may not be available or efficient. Moreover, space heaters offer an energy-efficient alternative to heating an entire building or home, allowing users to concentrate warmth in specific areas and potentially reduce energy consumption. They can also provide quick heat in rooms that are far from the main heating source. Understanding the different types of space heaters available can help individuals make informed decisions when it comes to selecting the most suitable option for their needs.

III. Types of Space Heaters

Space heaters come in various types, each utilizing a different heat source and technology. Understanding the differences between these types can help individuals select the right space heater for their specific requirements.

Electric Space Heaters

electric space heaters are one of the most popular types of space heaters in the market. They work by converting electrical energy into heat through an electric heating element. The heated element warms the surrounding air, which is then distributed into the room via a fan or blower. Electric space heaters are generally efficient and easy to use, with adjustable temperature settings and safety features such as overheat protection and tip-over shut-off.

However, it’s important to consider the electricity consumption and potential impact on energy bills when using electric space heaters for extended periods.

Propane and Gas Space Heaters

Propane and gas space heaters are portable heaters that rely on propane or natural gas as their fuel source. These heaters burn the gas to produce heat, which is then radiated into the room or distributed by a fan. Propane and gas heaters offer a high heat output, making them suitable for larger spaces or outdoor use.

It’s crucial to ensure proper ventilation when using propane or gas space heaters indoors to prevent the buildup of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide. These heaters should never be operated in enclosed areas without proper ventilation or used while sleeping.

Infrared Space Heaters

Infrared space heaters utilize infrared heating technology to emit infrared radiation that directly heats objects and people in its path. Unlike traditional heaters that warm the air, infrared heaters provide instant warmth as the infrared rays come into contact with the body or objects. They are ideal for spot heating, making them efficient and cost-effective in terms of energy consumption.

Infrared space heaters do not rely on air circulation, making them a silent heating option. They are also known for their safety features, including cool-to-touch exteriors and tip-over shut-off. However, they may not be suitable for heating large spaces or areas with high ceilings.

Oil-Filled Radiators

Oil-filled radiators use electricity to heat a thermal oil inside their sealed fins. As the oil heats up, it radiates heat into the surrounding area. Oil-filled radiators provide a consistent and gentle heat, making them suitable for prolonged use, including overnight heating in bedrooms.

One advantage of oil-filled radiators is that they continue to emit heat even after the unit has been turned off. This feature helps to save energy and maintain warmth while reducing overall electricity consumption.

Micathermic Space Heaters

Micathermic space heaters combine both convection and radiant heat technologies to provide efficient and fast heating. They feature a heating element sandwiched between layers of mica, which generates heat and transfers it through the mica plates. The heat is then distributed into the room via convection currents.

Micathermic heaters are known for their quick warm-up time, silent operation, and lightweight design, making them highly portable. They are suitable for heating medium-sized rooms and offer energy-efficient heating options.

IV. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Space Heater

Choosing the right space heater involves considering various factors and assessing what features and specifications best align with your needs. Here are some important factors to consider before making a purchase:

Heating Capacity

When selecting a space heater, it’s crucial to determine its heating capacity, which is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs) or watts. The heating capacity should match the size of the room or area you intend to heat. Too low of a heating capacity may result in insufficient warmth, while too high of a capacity may lead to excessive energy consumption and discomfort.

To calculate the appropriate heating capacity, consider the dimensions of the room and the desired temperature rise. Online calculators and guidelines can assist in determining the ideal heating capacity for a specific area.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is an important consideration when choosing a space heater, as it directly affects energy consumption and cost. Look for heaters with high energy efficiency ratings, such as Energy Star certified models, as they are designed to consume less electricity while providing effective heating.

Additional features like programmable timers, thermostat controls, and energy-saving modes can also contribute to energy efficiency by allowing users to schedule heating periods and maintain desired temperatures without unnecessary energy usage.

Safety Features

Safety should be a top priority when selecting a space heater. Look for heaters with important safety features, including overheat protection, which automatically shuts off the unit if it reaches unsafe temperatures. Tip-over shut-off is another essential feature that cuts off power if the heater is accidentally knocked over.

Other safety features to consider may include cool-to-touch exteriors, child-lock function, and automatic shut-off when the heater is tilted or bumped.

Portability and Size

Consider the portability and size of the space heater, especially if you plan to move it between rooms or store it when not in use. Compact and lightweight heaters are easier to transport and store, while larger heaters may provide more heating power but take up more space.

Additionally, check if the heater has a built-in handle, caster wheels, or a cord wrap for convenient maneuverability and storage.

Noise Level

The noise level of a space heater can be an important consideration for individuals who are sensitive to sound or prefer a quieter environment. Some heaters, especially those with a fan or blower, may produce noticeable noise while in operation. Look for models specifically designed to operate silently or have noise-reducing features for a more peaceful heating experience.

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V. Space Heater Usage and Safety Tips

While space heaters can provide warmth and comfort, it’s essential to follow proper usage guidelines and prioritize safety. Here are some important tips to consider when using space heaters:

Proper Placement

Place the space heater on a flat, stable surface away from any flammable materials such as curtains, furniture, or bedding. Maintain a clear area of at least three feet around the heater. Avoid placing the heater in high traffic areas where it may be bumped into or knocked over.

Never place the heater on uneven surfaces or furniture that may cause it to tip over. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper placement to ensure optimal performance and safety.


Proper ventilation is crucial when using space heaters that rely on fuels such as propane or gas. Use them only in well-ventilated areas to prevent the build-up of carbon monoxide and other harmful gases. Opening a window or door while operating these types of heaters can help ensure proper airflow and reduce the risk of gas-related accidents.

For electric space heaters, ventilation is not a major concern as they do not emit gases. However, avoiding overheating and using the heater in a well-ventilated room is still recommended.


Regular maintenance is essential to keep your space heater in optimal condition and ensure its longevity. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintaining the heater. Clean the exterior regularly to remove any dust or debris that may accumulate and potentially affect its performance.

For heaters with filters or air vents, clean or replace them as recommended to maintain good airflow. Regularly inspect cords, plugs, and electrical connections for any signs of wear or damage.

Safety Precautions

Adhering to safety precautions is vital to prevent accidents or potential hazards when using space heaters. Here are some important safety guidelines to follow:

  • Never leave a space heater unattended while it is operating. Always turn it off when leaving the room or going to sleep.
  • Do not use space heaters with extension cords, especially those not specifically rated for higher wattages. Plug the heater directly into a wall outlet to avoid fire hazards.
  • Avoid using space heaters in damp or wet areas, such as bathrooms and basements, unless they are specifically designed for such use.
  • Keep all flammable materials, such as clothing and curtains, a safe distance away from the heater.
  • Educate children about the dangers of space heaters and keep them supervised when a heater is in use.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the warmth and comfort provided by space heaters while minimizing the risks associated with their usage.

The Best Way to Store a Space Heater When Not in Use

VI. Product Reviews (for review articles)

In this section, we will provide detailed reviews of three different space heater products. Each review will include an analysis of the pros and cons and highlight any unique features of the product.

Introduction to Product Reviews

In this section, we will introduce the products that will be reviewed. We will provide a brief overview of their specifications and mention the criteria we will evaluate them on.

Product 1 Review

Review of the first space heater product, including its features, performance, and overall user experience. This review will give readers an in-depth analysis of the product’s strengths and weaknesses to help them make an informed decision.

Product 2 Review

Detailed review of the second space heater product, focusing on its specific features, energy efficiency, and user-friendliness. We will discuss how well the product performs in various scenarios and whether it meets the needs of different users.

Product 3 Review (if applicable)

If applicable, we will continue with an additional product review, highlighting its unique features, design, and overall performance. This review will add another perspective to help readers compare multiple options.

VII. Comparison and Recommendations

In this section, we will compare the reviewed space heater products based on various criteria such as performance, price, features, and energy efficiency. By comparing these factors, we will provide readers with a comprehensive overview to help them choose the most suitable option for their specific needs.

Additionally, based on the comparison and the requirements of different users, we will offer recommendations for specific scenarios, such as the best space heater for large rooms, the most energy-efficient options, or budget-friendly choices. These recommendations will provide readers with a tailored selection based on their preferences and requirements.

The Best Way to Store a Space Heater When Not in Use

VIII. Conclusion

In conclusion, space heaters play a crucial role in providing warmth and comfort in various environments. Understanding the different types of space heaters available, their features, and their specific heating technologies can help individuals make informed decisions when selecting a space heater.

By considering factors such as heating capacity, energy efficiency, safety features, portability, and noise level, individuals can choose a space heater that meets their specific needs and preferences.

Remember to follow proper usage guidelines and prioritize safety measures when using space heaters. Proper placement, ventilation, regular maintenance, and adherence to safety precautions can help ensure a safe and effective heating experience.

In the product review section, we have provided detailed reviews of various space heater options, highlighting their pros, cons, and unique features. These reviews, along with the comparison and recommendations, aim to assist readers in selecting the best space heater for their requirements.

Whether you are looking to heat a small room, a large living area, or want an energy-efficient choice, there is a space heater out there to suit your needs. Explore the options, consider your requirements, and make an informed decision to keep yourself warm and comfortable during the colder months.

IX. Additional Resources

For further information on space heaters, related articles, and buying guides, check out the following resources:

These resources can further enhance your knowledge and assist you in making informed decisions regarding space heaters and their usage.

The Best Way to Store a Space Heater When Not in Use

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